Travel WODS
Just Your Body
Nicole” AMRAP in 20 minutes of: Run 400, Max rep pull ups
For Time: 100 Jumping Jacks 75 Air Squats 50 Pushups 25 Burpees
“Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Rep Rounds for Time: Double-Unders Sit-ups
10–>1 For Time: Burpees and Situps
50-40-30-20-10 Rep Rounds for Time: Single Unders Pushups
For Time: Run 1 mile with 100 air squats halfway
“Michael” 3 rounds for time of: Run 800m 50 Back Extensions 50 Situps
5 Rounds For Time: 1 Minute Hanstand hold, 1 minute squat hold (under tension)
10 Rounds For Time: 10 Pushups 10 Squats 10 Tuck Jumps
10—>1 sets of sit-ups and a 100 meter sprint between each set
3 Rounds For Time: Run 800m 50 Air Squats
3 Rounds For Time: 10 Handstand Pushups Run 200m
5 Rounds for Time: Run 400m sprints with 1:1 rest (resting amount of time it took you to run)
10 Rounds: Holds- plank, bottom of squat, hollow rock, 30 seconds each
Bottom to bottom Tabata (8 rounds- 20 seconds AMRAP Squats, 10 seconds squat hold) Squats ( rest at the bottom of the squat instead of standing….without support on your hands or butt and make the bottom good, straight back, butt back)
2 minute max push ups,1 minute break, 2 minutes max sit ups, 1 minute break, 2 minute max squats
5 rounds: 20 sec of mountain climbers, 20 sec of squats, 20 sec of rest
AMRAP in 20 minutes: 10 Bench dips 10 Box jumps 10 Walking Lunges
With Some Equipment
4 rounds- 25 Sumo Deadlift high pulls, 30 Goblet Squats, 400 m run
3 rounds- 10 kb snatches, 10 weighted situps, 10 Jump switch lunges (3 Burpee EMOM)
4 Rounds for TIme: 20 pull ups, 10 manmakers (look it up)
80-60-40-20 Reps of Air Squats 40-30-20-10 Reps of Situps 20-15-10-5 of Strict Dumbbell press
21-15-9 Rep Rounds for Time: DB Thrusters, Burpees